Tuesday 12 February 2013

The Last Of The Harvest

Well it is getting that horrible time between seasons here. Every thing is incredibly dry, the ground is baked solid and I am getting thoroughly sick of having to water all the time, just to keep things alive.
I am waiting for the time when I can start preparing for the winter crops, but before that happens we are harvesting the last of our summer produce.
The blackberries have been incredible. I did not think they would produce so much in their first year round. We have been really enjoying these sweet treats.

They were made even sweeter, when we saw what price they are charging for a small punnet of them in the shops, around $7.00!
I am going to miss them when they are all gone, but that will only make them all the better next year.

We have also started harvesting our potatoes. This particular one is called Royal Blue. They are a stunning color and taste so creamy.

We still have lots of tomatoes coming on, the feral seeds that came up in our corn patch are starting to produce now too. Amongst these there are two cherry tomatoes which we hadn't bothered with this year, so that was an added bonus.

The zucchini are going nuts and I am getting a good crop of them. Three plants are definitely ample supply for us.

So that is it for our little garden at the moment. I am now waiting for rain and dreaming about when everything will be green again, without me standing over it with the hose.


  1. Okay you can stop now. You're making me seriously hungry. I grew up on a farm and we had a big blackberry patch. I buy them now and then but they don't taste the same as the ones I used to pick. All the rest sounds good too. Good to see that you're still trucking along.


  2. They are really lovely, Rich.
    Blackberries are considered a noxious weed here and it is illegal to have them growing on your property. I have fond memories though, of going out on the sides of roads and into plantation forests to collect buckets of them for jam, before the councils got serious about irradiating them.
    The ones I am growing now do have a slightly different taste, still yummy though. The best part is they don't have thorns, so you can dive right in without getting tangled up.
