Thursday 14 February 2013

Health Kick Part Two.

Ever had one of those moment where you kick the door, only that have it come back and smack you in the face?
Well this year has been a bit like that for Winnie and I.
A few weeks back Winnie went to see his heart specialist, he was having some concerns with chest pain. Nothing too dramatic, we weren't sure if it was muscular or something to do with his heart. Better to be safe than sorry with his history and that of his family.
So off to the specialist we go and six days later Winnie is in hospital for an angiogram, and yes they found another blockage. This time, though, it was 90% which kind of freaked us out.
It was only four years since he had the fist stent put in and now he has another alongside of it.
So what does this mean for us? Our health kick just got very, very serious. We have now cut a lot of things from our diets that are a no no and have gotten even more concious of just what is in the food that we buy.
Winnie was under the impression that he could get away with still eating a few of the things he liked because of the medication he was taking to lower his cholesterol, but he seems to be one of those that is prone to building up cholesterol very easily.
So we have gone a little extreme now, which will do neither of us any harm. I am in my 40s and Winnie in his 50s so we need to be more concious of what we eat.
So now we have even more incentive to plant our garden up with fruits and veg.
I suppose we could look at the start of this year as being negative but really it could be a whole lot worse. I for one would rather celebrate and be thankful that my husband is proactive in his health and did not ignore the signs and I still have him with me today, to carry on life's journey with me.
Nothing like a scare to get you going either, Winnie has already lost 4 to 5 Kg.

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