Tuesday 1 October 2013

The Lemon Tree.

So we had a spot all picked out for the lemon tree. It was going to be out the back door and up against the back fence. Not a bad spot, plenty of light and not too much wind, but when we started to prepare the bed we discovered a problem with the area.
Our neighbors run a drainage pipe from one of their gutters along the other side of the fence and it stops around where the lemon tree was to be planted. When we planted another currant bush not far from where the lemon tree was to go we struck water about a foot down.
This will not be a problem for the currants, as they are in raised beds and it will actually give them an advantage in summer. But the lemon's root system would not be high enough out of the water and it would have drowned in winter.
This was where it was meant to go.

We will put veggies in here instead for this summer.
I was at a bit of a loss as to where we would plant our tree now. Winnie was the one to come up with the new site. 
I have a rose bed on the other side of the house and he said we could plant the tree in the middle of this. When we looked at it yesterday we found it was even more sheltered than the old spot. It was a very windy day and the middle of the bed was really calm compared to the rest of the garden.
It is guarded by trees on two sides and the house on one. The roses should protect the trunk of the tree from the westerly sun too.

So, plans have changed, but at least we will still have our little lemon tree.


  1. What a cute little tree, and the new spot looks perfect for it! =)

    1. It's a really great little tree. I have always wanted one and we do go through a lot of lemons so it will be nice to finally grow our own.
