Tuesday 1 October 2013

New Strawberry Bed And Another Currant Bush

So we finally got stuck into fixing up the bed along the back fence, it's always been a bit of a mess and I only just planted my two currant bushes there last year.

Garden supervisor in place. Construction can begin.

Getting started.

The construction site.

All strawberries moved and new white currant planted. Pipes in place to hold bird netting.

We are trying an experiment and are growing some strawberries in a gutter and some in a PVC pipe to see how they go.
I also mulched with pine needles. They say the strawberries and currants love the acidity of the needles. The companion plant I have in here so fare is, borage, it is meant to make the strawberries taste better.

I am still deciding whether to plant blueberries and gooseberries. If I do, it will be a project for next year, I think I have enough to be going on with this coming summer.
The rain is still really good at the moment, but we could do without the really windy weather. Luckily we have not had any major damage and everything seems to be holding up well.


  1. Looking amazing! It makes you feel like something has really been accomplished when you stand back and have a look at the end of the day's work. Very satisfying....and anticipation at the thought of the coming harvest! :) The rain of the last day has been wonderful. Pity we can't save it until the heat arrives! we've got 10,000 litres of rainwater, but we'd like 10,00 more some day. Then Summer wouldn't be an issue except for the HOT! Not a fan at all! :/

    1. Penny, I am already forgetting what the garden looked like before we started, the pics are a real reminder of how things progress.
      I wish I could save all the rain instead of watching it all run away, at least the rainwater tanks are full.

  2. That is a terrific idea about using gutters for strawberry plants. We have to replace ours soon, so now I'm thinking they could be strawberry plant containers, lol So I'll be curious to see how your little experiment goes, and which container they do the best in. =)

    1. We have seen this on the net a few times and thought it looked like a great idea, so many of our ground strawberries are lost to bugs. It will be interesting to see how well they do in the hot weather.
