Thursday 6 February 2014

Glass Mosaic

I started a glass mosaic course last night. I did one a few years back but never went on with it.
Glass is a beautiful medium to play with and can give some very stunning results.
I have been a good girl this time and am firstly, making something for myself and also, something fairly small.
Another first for me is working on the back of a large floor tile. This gives a very solid base to work on and very straight and accurate angles.
Last night was spent practicing cutting/breaking a lot of glass and getting a feel for it. Most importantly learning how to handle it safely.
I have gone with a fishy theme, always wanted to make fish mosaics. I came up with this little guy and am really pleased with the design I came up with.

Next week I will be choosing colors, cutting them out and starting to bet them glued.


  1. Good on you Rose! It' a great feeling when you begin something that you've sort of thought about for a while, but haven't moved on. A lovely friend just blessed me with a garden table and chairs. I'm restoring them and really loving it. Will post some photos when they're finished! :D

    1. Thanks Penny, I am really enjoying getting back into mosaics again.
      I would love to see what you do with the outdoor setting. It's so nice when be can bring things back to life and make them useful again.

  2. Looks great! I really love stained glass windows and coloured glass drinking vessels or vases. I hope you'll put pictures of your fish tile as you go along :)
