Thursday 14 November 2013


Un Finished Objects.
We are in the middle of a big clean out of the house and I found these a couple of weeks ago. All my unfinished quilts.
They are all hand pieced and now that I am not working with my hands anymore I now feel ready to tackle these again.

  That last shot proves how much of a cat magnet quilts are.


  1. I really love the third one down (the one above the cat's fave). The patterns and colours are just my cup of tea. You could run a business selling these quilts I reckon. Or making mini ones for cats' baskets lol!

    1. I made that one in a class when where I first leant to do hand quilting.
      As for making a business out of it. I think we would starve before I ever finished one. >.< I really must get cracking and just finish one.
