Thursday 14 November 2013

The Blackberries Are Covered In Buds

Last year was our first season for our blackberries, I was surprised when we got quite a crop of fruit. This year they are totally covered in buds and I had to lift the curtain that I used for was stopping the blackbirds from digging up the mulch, so that the bees could get to them. It was nice to note that there were baby praying mantis in amongst them again this year too.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's great to see your garden doing so well and that the bees have plenty of flowers to visit :D

    Minty (WaffenThinMint) asked me to let you know that he was aware that there was some problem with you registering at SimsForums (he is not sure why there was a problem) but that he has created an account for you and sent you the password via the official EA forums. Not sure how much you use your EA account though. Your account would need your email address adding, but you should be able to do that if you log in. It would be great to stay in touch after BMC closed so I hope to see you there some time.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good to see you Caspin.
    I got his message and am in! Thank you both.

    1. Great, glad that's sorted out. Have a good weekend, Rose.
