Tuesday 16 April 2013

The long dry.

I haven't really posted here in a while, simply because there is not much happening. We have had very little rain so there is no point in doing new things in the garden yet. I do have the stump of a Chinese cabbage growing on my window sill. Everything outside is just hanging on.
 I have been slack, too, with the house and I really need a shovel through my office, as I am going though all our papers (20 years of them!) and getting rid of anything we don't need. I am determined to purge as much junk and unnecessary crap as I can this year.
Things that I am proud of and happy with at the moment  are;
Getting a new grand nephew and the family is doing well.
Winnie's health. He is doing really well and weighs less than me at the moment.
My kitchen which is now functioning and running smoothly.
Getting the bookwork done on time, just and starting this years way ahead of deadline.
And finally getting a new washing machine! This one is not evil and doesn't shake the house to bits.
So that is all really. I am off to a seminar on growing berries this weekend which I am looking forward to. And I am starting to get into renovating again.
Once the weather truly breaks here I will be so glad to get back into the garden again too.


  1. Congrats to Winnie - sounds like he's doing brilliantly! Hope you get some rain soon, though, sounds as though you could do with some.

  2. Finally got some decent falls today, I just hope it keeps up. It his been a ridiculously dry autumn so far.
