Thursday 1 January 2015

2015 Ambitions.

2014 has not been a great year. It started well. I was back into mosaic art, started drawing again and made an attempt to get back into my writing. Then disaster stuck, when my step grandfather passed away suddenly in July, a couple of days before my birthday.
Things have pretty much ground to a halt for me since. Mosaics, art and writing have been non-existent. The renovations I wanted to start back up in spring never happened and emotionally I have been a bit of a mess. All I have to say is, thank goodness for family support, or I would not have coped at all.
I can't solely blame new family commitments on my lack of creativity either. This last year has seen me go through new stages of health changes, as I grow older, and my concentration seems to be going down the gurgler with it.
I am angry at myself for not spending more time on exercise and watching what I eat. I have gained weight, which has not helped my overall health either.
And to cap off a not stellar year, our rainwater tank sprung a leak. Good news,we think we have fixed it. Bad news, the rain pretty much stopped once we had.
We are surviving with just 7 rungs in the big tank now and have been getting just enough rain to keep us going. Shower rationing and not being able to do the washing at home is the pits, though. Thank goodness once again for family.
There is no veggie garden this year but the fruit is doing fine, despite the lack of water. In short, we are managing because there is not much more we can do.

So, 2015?

I have so much I want to do, but realistically I don't think I can manage them all. 

Renovations are at the top of the list. I have painting to do and floors to lay. Hall, office, lounge, bathroom, toilet and laundry. Blah!
I need to get back into mosaics, I have commitments there and have promised people my help and I have projects I want to compete.

Writing and drawing. God, I so want to get back to these, but I create on an emotional level and if I can't feel, then I can't create. Writing wise, what I used to do in a continual flow of words is now just a trickle and very disjointed at best.
One of the solutions I am thinking of is getting away from the internet, I really don't have the time and it does me no good emotionally and uses up most of my mental energy for nothing. The problem is, I don't want to loose contact with friends I have made over the years, so it might be a case of rationing and set times only. Which should also help stop my arse from spreading any more than it already has. I hope. :P
I would love to get to know a few people on a different level, start using Skype more. I am finding trying to communicate with writing and just a few lines here and there to be more and more frustrating.

Sims. Yes I play sims. I want to get this back on my computer and get back into world building, but in all honesty it wont be a priority, there are too many other things sucking time already. I did have the idea of getting back into sim story writing, to kick start my writing again, but after my game computer died and needed fixing, the appeal has left me. Maybe when I get a few more of my more practical goals cleared I can get back into it. Will just have to wait and see.

The garden. This is the one thing that is going okay at the moment. The front yard needs a good tidy up, but apart from that I have kept on top of things, with main thanks to Winnie and his garden maintenance, without him it would be a disaster.
The house. The house is clean! Got this done just before Christmas. This was getting a bid depressing. I hadn't done a proper clean in a while because of renovations but it should be easier to keep on top of now. 

Okay so the list is already long and that's not with all the other commitments that go along with life. I think if I apply myself and try and build some routines, it just might be doable. My main ambition this year is to at least get some of this done. I am not going to push too hard and over tax things. If I can make good headway into at least the renovations and health, I will be happy, the rest might just have to fall into place as they happen.


  1. I hope you are able to get your ambitions fulfilled, Rose. I'm sorry for the sadness and rough times you've been having and I hope that this new year will be a lot better for you. *big hug*

  2. Rose, I am so sorry for your loss and sorrow. Life can get overwhelming but you have your family and friends to help you find your way through. Thank goodness for them. Lists are always a good step and even thought the list might be a long one, any little tick off of that list is a good one. Baby steps and eventually things will start being crossed off of that list. Good luck with your plans and everything that you do.
    (I'm signed in on my Google account, but this is Kimi if you couldn't figure it out. :P )

  3. Sorry this year has not been the best, Rose. Wishing you a better time in 2015!

  4. Thank you all. Now that the bushfires have passed here and we are getting some great rain I might be able to settle down and actually start on my list. X)
