Sunday 1 December 2013


Well after over a year of being unemployed I am finally back working. I am now a catalog deliverer.
I started on the 22nd of Nov. and so far it's been okay. Quite time consuming where bundling up the catalogs are concerned but I am loving the walking and the area I have is really nice. Winnie is a big help and has come out with me every time so far.
It's nice not to have to worry about the times when our business is slow and it will be good to be able to get things for my garden when I need them.
I am already feeling fitter and it's not as exhausting as I thought it would be, so bonuses all round.


  1. That sounds great, Rose, just think of it as getting paid for taking a walk!

    1. Hi Caspin
      It's been great. I am getting the hang of it and really enjoying the walking. The only down side is folding all the catalogs together, it can take a lot of time depending on the volume I have to do.
      I am hoping now with the Christmas season gone that I can bet back into a better routine too, and having regular work is helping with that.
